EIDAS This is an EJBCA eIDAS feature.
The EJBCA P11NG-CLI tool enables a set of commands and is built as a stand-alone package, which can be put on any machine and run independently of EJBCA.
The P11NG-CLI provides commands to manage keys on CP5-specific HSMs.
Build and Use P11NG-CLI
The following provides information on building and using the P11NG-CLI tool.
Building P11NG-CLI
To build P11NG-CLI with ant, run the following:
ant p11ng-cli
The directory ./dist/p11ng-cli is created and can be moved to any location.
To use any of the commands, call p11ng-cli.sh in this directory or put the directory in your PATH and run p11ng-cli.sh to call it from any location.
Providing Help
Run the main command to provide help for available commands and options.
List Valid Arguments
Call the p11ng-cli.sh script without arguments to list valid arguments for sub commands to use:
Help on Specific Sub Command
Call the p11ng-cli.sh script with an argument to provide help on the specified sub command, for example backupobject:
.sh authorizekey
The following displays the output from the above command:
ERROR: Incorrect parameter usage.
The following mandatory arguments are missing or poorly formed, use --help for more information:
--lib-file Shared library path
--slot-ref Slot reference type. One of the following: 'SLOT_INDEX', 'SLOT_NUMBER', 'SLOT_LABEL'
--slot Slot reference value. Slot index, number or label
--alias Alias of the key pair on the HSM.
--kak-file-path The path which will be used to save the KAK file to and later for authorization the KAK will be
read from it.
--user This option is used to provide user credential for running the CP5 command.
--padding-scheme This option is used to provide padding scheme used for signing the hash sent back from HSM
(valid values are PSS and PKCS1).
Run command with "--help" to see full manual page.
List All Arguments and Help
To list all arguments and their help, enter the command with the --help argument:
./p11ng-cli.sh authorizekey --help
The following displays the output:
authorizekey - Authorizes a key before it can be used. CP5 specific operation.
authorizekey --lib-file <LIBRARY_FILE> --slot <HSM_SLOT> --alias <ALIAS> --kak-file-path <KAK_FILE_PATH> --user <USER_NAME_> --padding-scheme <PADDING_SCHEME_> [OPTIONAL PARAMETERS]
Authorizes a key before it can be used. CP5 specific operation.
Mandatory parameters:
--alias <ALIAS>
Alias of the key pair on the HSM.
--kak-file-path <KAK_FILE_PATH>
The path which will be used to save the KAK file to and later for authorization
the KAK will be read from it.
--lib-file <LIBRARY_FILE>
Shared library path
--padding-scheme <PADDING_SCHEME_>
This option is used to provide padding scheme used for signing the hash sent
back from HSM (valid values are PSS and PKCS1).
Slot reference type. One of the following: 'SLOT_INDEX', 'SLOT_NUMBER', 'SLOT_LABEL'
--slot <HSM_SLOT>
Slot reference value. Slot index, number or label
--user <USER_NAME_>
This option is used to provide user cridential for running the CP5 command.
Optional parameters:
--max-operations-count <MAX_OPERATIONS_COUNT_>
Maximum number of operations a key can perform on the HSM.
--password <PASSWORD_>
Slot Password. If not set then it will be prompted for.
Set this value for verbose output of parameter values.
List All Available Sub Commands
The following lists all available sub command for the P11NG-CLI tool:
authorizekey Authorizes a key before it can be used. CP5 specific operation.
backupobject Backs up a key from the HSM on the backup file. CP5 specific operation.
deleteobject Deletes objects.
generatekey Generates symmetric key on the HSM
generatekeypair Generates a key pair
initializekey Initializes a key prior to authorization. CP5 specific operation.
listobjects List objects available on the slot.
listslots Lists slots available on the HSM
onetimeperformancetest Runs a one time performance test.
restoreobject Restores a backed up key from file into the HSM. CP5 specific operation.
showinfo Shows information about HSM.
showslotinfo Prints information about the slot.
showtokeninfo Prints information about token.
signperformancetest Runs a signing performance test.
unblockkey Unblocks a key previously blocked. CP5 specific operation.